59 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebijakan Publik Pemerintah Daerah dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Sekretaris Desa di Kabupaten Gianyar

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    Secretary of the village is the village that privilege was taken directly into a Civil Servant by the government in accordance with Government Regulation No. 72 of 2005 and Government Regulation No. 45 of 2007. This led to the emergence of two types namely Village Secretary appointed as civil servants and employees country which is placed into the village secretary. Thus need to know about coaching and placement policy for the incumbent secretary of the village through this research. Where is the location of the selected research Gianyar. To use traditional theory of public policy analysis and the theory of rational bureaucracy in reviewing the policy defined by the Local Government Gianyar. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method is a method of research that followed the study procedures and generate descriptive data. In collecting the data were interviews, observation and documentation. By using non-probability sampling technique to determine the appropriate sample. This study also uses some of the techniques of data analysis are: data collection, data reduction, data display, verification. The results of this study is that there is a public policy that is made ??by the local government and RKPDesAPBDes, but not yet effective, efficient and adequacy, or not enough to solve the problem of coaching for the village secretary. Based on the theory of rational bureaucracy there are three ways that have not been met in the implementation of the bureaucratic system in the Gianyar regency, namely: (1) there's no rule of selection officials; (2) The officials can not quit from office in accordance with personal desires; (3) there's no a clear career path

    Peran Kepala Suku dalam Sistem Noken pada Pemilukada di Distrik Kamu Kabupaten Dogiyai Provinsi Papua Tahun 2013

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    The enforcement of general election in Papua province especially in mountainous area in Papua still uses Noken system. A chieftain has an important role in making decision. The important role of a chieftain is not only in the tradition order but also in the country government system. The purpose of this study is to know the role of a chieftain in Noken system from the general election in Kamu District Dogiyai Regency of Papua Province 2013. This research used qualitative method and descriptive approach. The data source is primary and secondary data. The primary data was taken from the direct interview and documentation of the informant. The secondary data was collected by using the formal scripts inscriptive. The determination of informant is done by making the informant matrix table. The technique of data collection is by doing interview with the selected informant deeply and by collected the documents which have connection with this research. The result of this study is found that Kamu District in Dogiyai regency still uses Noken system in general election process. The system is hang system or string system where they still consider to deliberation process. The role of a chieftain is decision making in Noken system. The role of a chieftain is a social role and does not bound with the formal law in a country. The loyalty of the community based on the loyalty to chieftain. Based on the result, the roles of chieftain in Noken system are firstly, summon the people to give instruction about the general election process. Secondly, explain about candidate's vision and mission. Thirdly, control the entry process of ballot as the result of the togetherness agreement into the Noken. Fourthly, bring and give the result of ballot to the organizing committee. The result of this research also found the negative impact of the chieftain role. The negative impact of the chieftain role is the greasing the palm happening where was done by the candidates. These candidates used the authority of the chieftain in making decision

    Peran Elit Desa dalam Partisipasi di Tingkat Lokal dalam Perumusan Musrembang di Desa Blahbatuh Kabupaten Gianyar

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    This research is motivated by the position and the role of the village elite in influencing the formulation musrenbang in Gianyar Blahbatuh village. Non government elite into a figure capable of mobilizing the community so as to create social dynamics that will affect resultant force on the formulation of policies between the ruling elite and the local elite in the village Blahbatuh. The purpose of this study seeks to dissect the participation of the local community to the village elite in relation to the formulation musrenbang Blahbatuh village. This study uses qualitative research methods - the descriptive study using a model of Bungin. Engineering research data collection is done by direct observation, and literature that have relevance to the theme of the research as well as assign a resource by interviewing community leaders non - government and aperture Blahbatuh villages and rural communities. The research proves that the villagers Blahbatuh have a high level of political consciousness it is proved that the village administration is part of the local community so that the synergy between the government, the elite non - government and community berasas democratic, rational, interactive and transparent. Local elites non - government became an influential figure in the formulation typically musarembang not only suggest policy proposals alone but actively conduct political lobbying in policy development processes as well as determine the direction of policy

    Analisis Pembangunan Desa melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Studi di Desa Dauh Peken Kec. Tabanan, Kab. Tabanan)

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    Rural development in Dauh Peken Village is now continuously be improved in terms of both economic and social. It currently requires the participation of the whole society and the government to get involved to realize the development of the village. Through a community empowerment program in economics and the environment, the Village Government Dauh Peken seeks to create village development desired by the community in accordance with the potential contained in the village. The problems of the background for this study is the lack of funds, which not is available yet from facilities and supporting infrastructure activities, lack of training, there has been no serious attention from the government, as well as poverty. This research was conducted by descriptive qualitative data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews. This study analyzes how rural development through community empowerment with the concept of community empowerment is composed of economic indicators, commodity choice and type of business, human resource management and career development, the development of a network of partnerships, logistics and financial management and the development of facilities and infrastructure. Environmental indicators, physical environment and social environment. Results from this study showed that rural development through community empowerment is still not effective due to the economic empowerment of facilities and infrastructures supporting activities are not yet available and the lack of serious attention from the government regarding the distribution work product results. Based on five (5) economic indicators were used, the only indicator of the commodity choice and type of business showed good results whereas other indicators such as human resources management and career development, the development of a network of partnerships, logistics and financial management and the development of facilities and infrastructure is still less than the maximum. In the field of environmental empowerment by 2 (two) indicators used, the physical environment has shown good results, but the social environment is still less than the maximum

    Pengaruh Punguan Pomparan Raja Naiambaton (Parna) pada Pemilukada Kabupaten Simalungun Tahun 2016

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    Kinship system is referred to as Batak Association, such as Punguan Pomparan Raja Naiambaton (PARNA) that located in District of Simalungun. The purpose of this study to determine and describe the influence factors of Parna Association in the election District of Simalungun 2016. The theory used is theory of identity politics with primordial approach. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Research data collection techniques by observation, interview and documents. The results of this study found that Parna Association legitimacy as a majority is dominating community in District of Simalungun at the election by supporting one candidate regent that have relation. People in District of Simalungun still give prioritize aboriginal to become a leader in the region that can be seen from the way determining the choice of candidates still based on several factors: blood ties, races, religions, and regions

    Peranan E-government dalam Mendukung Transparansi dan Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (Studi Kasus Website Resmi Pemerintah Kabupaten Klungkung)

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    The advances of information and communication technology were developed so rapidly in the world, included in Indonesia. Advances in information technology are also touched government areas. The government developed the concept based on electronic government or known as e-government. The government of Klungkung regency launched the official website as part of the implementation of this concept. Application of the website is a means to be able to make government transparent and open the public information. In practice, there are several factors supporting and inhibiting, among others, the strong commitment from Bupati of Klungkung and based website on usher friendly concept. That constrain the budget problem is still lacking, resource experts in the IT field who have not met, and there are rules of law which overshadow the existence of the website. This study used descriptive qualitative research method. In obtaining the data, author conducted interviews with sources that are directly related to the study topics that author did. In addition, the author also conducted observations to obtain primary data and did documents study in order to obtain secondary data. The conclusion of this study is the government of Klungkung regency's website has contains information relating to the principles of transparency and public disclosure. But the problem that must be addressed is the provision of information on a regular basis so that the information is accessible to the public can be assured the newness of the data

    Gerakan Sosial Politik Meme pada Media Sosial Instagram untuk Bali Tolak Reklamasi

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    In a technologically advanced era of political movements, it can use "memes" in social media, one of which is shown by the Balinese People Forum refuse reclamation through the use of memes in Instagram social media accounts. The purpose of this research is to know Motivation, ideology and purpose of Forbali movement to do political movements of social media instagram in the form of meme. This study focused on the Forbali political social movement and Instagram account "Forbali13". The method used is qualitative. data collection is done through interviews and document studies. The theory used rests on framed versions of entman analysis and political propaganda as its supporting theories. The findings of the research mentioned that there are, First, there is a hidden purpose of the meme movement in the second Forbali instagram. In Meme Forbali there is a message conveyed, namely the ideology and motivation of movement through social media used to frame the information and education. penyampain from meme done by framing process method in social media of Instagram. Keywords: Meme, Instagram, Forbali, Netizen, and Postin
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